Understanding the definitions
Carbon emissions – 7 different gases – 3 scopes for reporting.
Carbon Neutral
- Counterbalance emissions with international carbon offset projects.
- Any company can quickly achieve ‘Carbon neutrality’ through purchasing carbon offset credits
Net Zero
Net Zero is a target set by businesses and countries with the aim of limiting global temperature rises to 1.5c, targets set by the IPCC and held in law by the UK Government.
- Net Zero will require deep, rapid emission cuts, ideally halving emissions by 2030 and at least 90% in their net zero year – no later than 2050.
We avoid greenwashing by
- Measuring Scopes 1, 2 AND 3; all gases
- Pledging Net Zero by 2050 (or before) in line with Science-Based Targets
- Developing a robust emissions reduction plan
- Continually monitoring progress against plan
- Carbon Neutrality annually via accredited international offset schemes
Why is it relevant?
Many global funds are adapting their model to:
- Prioritise embedding sustainability to inform investment decision making
- Secondly, raising specialist Impact Funds to focus exclusively on this huge market opportunity.
According to a recent report issued by PwC, Private market ESG assets are expected to skyrocket up to €1.2tn in Europe by 2025 – accounting for between 27.2% and 42.4% of the entire private market industry’s assets.